Natural stones


Source : Quebec
Type : Slate

Sizes :

Quantity :

Monolithic steps, black color, nature series, 3 or 4 sides sawn
Natural face steps are cut at the back and on both sides. The front face shows the natural face of the stone taken from the quarry. Also we have the steps sawed 4 faces. The surface has the natural and flat cleavage. They are ideal for installation between low walls and in a regular slope.

Natural steps / no sawing for landscaping black color, natural series
Natural steps are taken directly from the quarry and sorted by length. All faces are natural, the depth can vary. They are ideal for field installation, with plenty of space and slopes to climb with a slight to steep slope angle

Natural Steps : 5'' to 8'' in height
2' to 3' long
3' to 4' long
4' to 5' long
5' to 6' long
6' to 7' long
7' to 8' long

Natural Face Walking with 3 sawn sides :
3 '- 4' - 5 '- 6' - 7 '- 8' - 9' by 16" deep by 7" high

Slates belong to the family of clayey, fine-grained shales.
Easy maintenance for outdoors, no sealant required. A sealant can be applied to interior tiles to protect them from stains and waterproof them.
Slate resists bad weather, frost and acid rain, does not fade and is unalterable under the effect of the sun and UV rays.
Easy to use, it cuts easily with a diamond saw and splits easily with a hammer and a slice.
Is slip-resistant if it keeps its natural appearance on the surface.
It accumulates the heat of the sun to restore it to the cooler hours.

Source : Quebec
Type : Slate
Source : Quebec
Type : Slate